Acne - Part 1.

Acne - Part 1.

I just want to say first of all that this is just a guide, acne is so individual that what works for one person may not work for another. Skincare is a journey and a process to figure out what works for YOUR skin. Acne is no joke, it’s so individual it can be triggered by different things such as hormones, diet and genetics. Now there is a few different types of acne some can be treated easily and some forms take work to help get under control and in some case even prescribed medication - it can be done. 

First of all different types of acne: 

Blackheads - dead skin cells that block the pores and oxidise - Salicylic acid is best to battle the blackheads as it cuts through oil and can penetrate deep into the pores.  

Whiteheads - these are clogged pores that are closed at the surface - An AHA like glycolic acid will remove surface dirt and debris that clog pores and cause whiteheads. 

Pastules - infected pores that are filled with puss. Unfortunately this happens, usually due to picking and popping. Spot patches that you apply overnight will reduce redness and irritation to eliminate the spot quickly without causing damage. 

Papules - red spots caused by bacteria under the skin's surface. Cystic - swollen lumps under the skin filled with puss, these tend to be inflamed and very painful. These types all happen deeper within the skin and need actives like niacinamide and retinol to control sebum production and aid healthy cell turnover. 

- appear due to hormonal imbalances, usually appear around the mouth and jawline. 

Another key thing to remember with acne is not to ‘overdose’ your skin. For example, salicylic acid is great for acne however you don’t need to have it in every product in your routine. You’re effectively overdosing your skin with a certain active and this can actually make it worse, not better. Don’t be scared to use oily products, just have key points in your routine that are going to target the issue.

These key points are Exfoliation and actives use a Niacinamide or retinol, and use very calming nourishing products as acne prone skin tends to be very sensitive. 
If you are already on prescribed acne medication such as raoccutain and tretinoin then just strip your skincare routine right back to the basics these are serious medications that will seriously affect your skin obviously to help it but it will also cause your skin to be extremely dry and sensitive. When On medication like this I would literally only use a gentle cleanser, Hyaluronic Acid, a barrier repair serum and a rich moisturise, and of course SPF - especially on prescribed medication like this. 

Skincare ranges that will be perfect to use alongside actives for sensitive skin: 

To be continued.. 

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